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Issues / 06/13 Print

Dissemination of helminthoses of carnivorous in the city of Stavropol



Derkatchev D.Yu., Orobets V.A., Zaichenko I.V.

Summary. Authors studied totaly 244 samples from dogs and 184 samples from cats. Samples of fecal were examined using the method of McMaster. Prevalence of helminth in dogs (13.8 %) was: 4.9% Toxocara canis, 3.6% Trichocephalis vulpis, 2.7% Uncinaria stenocephala, 1,8% Dipylidium caninum, 0,9% Dirofillaria spp., 0,9% Ancylostoma caninum, 0,4% Mesocestodes, 0,4% Toxocara leonina. Prevalence of helminth in cats (11.4 %) was: 4,9% Toxocara mystax, 2,7% Toxascaris leonina, 1,6% Uncinaria stenocephalus, 3,7% Dipylidium caninum, 0,6% Taenia hydatigena. Extent of infestation of dogs surveyed was 13.8 %: toxocariase (4.9%), trichocephalose ( 3.6 %) and uncinariose ( 2.7%) prevail. 11.4 % of the examined cats were infected by worm infections. Toxocariase prevailed in puppies and kittens up to 6 months. In animals older than 5 years old it is registered much less frequently. While uncinariose dominanted in animals at the age from 1 to 3 years. After comparison, population of dogs (13.8%) is infected by helminthes slightly larger than cats (11.4 %).

Keywords: previal, invasion, toxocaracanis, trichocephalisvulpis, Uncinariastenocephala, Dirofillariaspp, Dipylidiumcaninum, McMaster, helminth infections, carnivorous.


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Author affiliation

Orobets Vladimir A., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, head of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 49, 67/4, 50 let VLKSM st., Stavropol, 355042; phone: 8(928)327-60-16; e-mail:

Zaichenko Igor V., post-graduate student of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 75, Dostoevskogo st., Stavropol, 355013; phone: 8(961)496-29-62; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Derkachev Dmitry Yu., post-graduate student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 93, Zheleznovodskayast., MineralnyeVody, Stavropol region, 357212; phone: 8(928)348-37-31; e-mail:


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