On implementation of action plan for prevention of distribution and elimination of the African swine fever virus in the Russian Federation in 2013

UDC 619:616.98:578.842.1:616-084


Shevchenko I.V., Zhukov I.Yu., Igolkin A.S., Gruzdev K.N.

Summary. African swine fever is included within the single list of diseases notifiable to the OIE. High morbidity and mortality is reported during ASF outbreaks in domestic swine, leading to economic losses not only due to high animal mortality but also to the restrictions in trade of animals and their products. There are no specific prevention nor treatment for the disease. ASFV first appeared in domestic pigs in Kenya, then spread to the Iberian Peninsula, Europe, and America, and now it affects Northern-Caucasian, South, Central, and Northern-Western regions of the Russia. Analysis of the further spread of ASF in Russia showed lack of understanding of the dangers of this disease in swine enterprises and households. It also highlighted the illicit trafficking of animals and pork products; feeding pigs with raw food waste; concealment of the disease and dead animals; low level of biological protection of swine facilities from ASF introduction of the agent; direct violation of the animal health rules. In 2011, the "Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of the spread of the virus of African swine fever (ASF) in the territory of the Russian Federation" was developed and adopted. This manuscript represents the current ASF situation in the country, statistical information on the influence of the disease; the scale and the level of efficiency of ASF control and monitoring measures.

Keywords: African swine fever, wild boars, spread, epidemiology, legislative base, monitoring, pig farming, inspection, biosecurity, control measures.


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Author affiliation:

Zhukov Ivan Yu., leading biologist in of the reference laboratory of African swine fever of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd.Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: 8 (904) 033-00-47; e-mail: zhukov@arriah.ru.

Igolkin Aleksey S., Ph. D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the reference laboratory of African swine fever of the Federal Centre of Animal Health, 600901; phone: 8 (910) 775-68-25; e-mail: igolkin_as@arriah.ru.

Gruzdev Konstantin N., D. Sc. in Biology, professor, chief expert for pig diseases of the Federal Centre of Animal Health); mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: 8 (910) 774-01-72; e-mail: gruzdev@arriah.ru.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Shevchenko Ivan V., leading biologist in of the reference laboratory of African swine fever of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: 8 (904) 955-21-83; e-mail: shevchenko@arriah.ru.
