Use of antibacterial complex preparation Kolihinol in the conditions of JSC «Poultry factory «Sredneuralskaya»

UDC 619:615.281:631.22


Starikov N.M., Donnik I.M., Shkuratova I.A., Valishin R.R.

Summary. Selection of preparation is especially important for the poultry industry with intensive cultivation of broiler chickens. Currently complex antibiotics, both imported and domestically produced, are widely used for the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections.

Authors compared indices of Vitrotsil ("Interchemiewerken "De Adelaar", B.V.", Netherlands) and Kolihinol ("Uralbiovet" Russia) efficacy at JSC "PF"Sredneuralskaya". Following key indicators were considered to be: safety of broiler chickens in different age groups, average daily weight gain, feed conversion, amount of meat received in live weight.

Use of Kolihinol in broiler chickens during the first days of life had a positive effect on the basic zootechnical parameters of the production process of breeding poultry. The results of the trial tests allowed to characterize Kolihinol as more effective for the prevention and treatment of diseases of bacterial etiology in broilers according to analysed data. Obtained data showed that the efficacy of Kolihinol was higher than the reference preparation. Kolihinol can be recommended for wide practical use in veterinary medicine.

Key words: antibiotics, enrofl oxacin, colistin, effi ciency, kolihinol.


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Author affiliation:

Donnik Irina M., academician of the RAAS, D.Sc. in Biology, professor,rector of the Ural State Agrarian University; 42, Karl Libknehta st., Ekaterinburg,620075; phone: +7 (343) 371-33-63; e-mail:

Shkuratova Irina A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, director of the Urals Scientifi c-Research Veterinary Institute; 112ą, Belinskogo st.,Ekaterinburg, 620142; phone: +7 (343) 257-20-44; e-mail:

Valishin R.R., chief veterinarian of the JSC "PF "Sredneuralskaya"; 112 a, Belinskogo st., Ekaterinburg, 620142; phone: 8(343)257-20-44.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Starikov Nikita M., Director of the NGO "Uralbiovet"; 112a, Belinskogo st., Ekaterinburg, 620142; phone: 8(912)2815731; e-mail: