Use of Acibif and Baksin-KD feed additives in the rearing technology of heifers of Kazakh white breed

UDC 636.22/.28.087.7

Abilov B.T, Bobryshova G.T, Khabibulin V.V., Bolotov N.A., Sinelshchikova I.A., Pashkova L.A., Zarytovsky A.I.

Summary. Studies concluded that the scheme developed by feeding heifers of meat direction of productivity with probiotic supplements in diets include new domestic feed additive Baksin-KD allowing to improve the physiological development of the animals, expressed in increased energy growth through better feed conversion. Results of blood and intestinal microflora studies in heifers during the suckling period of growth confirmed the positive effect of preparations on the physiological state of animals. Feed additives Acibif and Baksin-KD as part of the diet in the suckling period had the positive impact on growth and development in technology during rearing heifers, reducing their average age at first insemination in the experimental groups of 32 to 44 days. The difference in the number of inseminations on the first pregnancy between the control and the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups was 0.14 and 0.27, respectively, in favor of the latter. Calculation of economic efficiency to optimize their technological cultivation scheme in order to reduce the period of suckling period and rearing heifers of repair before insemination from 32 to 44 days. For 205 days of growing heifers level of profitability was 3.5% in the control group, which is lower than this indicator from the second test group by 7.4% and by 9.4% in comparison with the third group of experimental animals. For each additional invested ruble was obtained 3.46 and 14.3 rubles respectively in the second and third experimental groups.

Keywords: large horned cattle, Kazakh white breed, heifers, feed additive, Acibif, Baksin-KD, dynamics of growth, blood index, intestinal microbiocenosis, economic efficiency.


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Author affiliation:

Bobryshova Galina T., Ph.D. in Agriculture, docent, Deputy Director for Science of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding; 15, Zootechnichesky lane, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8(8652)71-57-73; e-mail:

Khabibulin Viktor V., applicant of the department of feeding of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding; 15, Zootechnichesky lane, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8(8652)71-57-73; e-mail:

Bolotov Nikolay A., Ph.D. in Agriculture, Senior Researcher of the department of feeding of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding; 15, Zootechnichesky lane, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8(8652)71-57-73; e-mail:

Sinelshchikova Irina A., Ph.D. in Agriculture, Senior Researcher of the department of feeding of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding; 15, Zootechnichesky lane, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8(8652)71-57-73; email:

Pashkova Larisa A., Ph.D. in Agriculture, Senior Researcher of the department of feeding of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding; 15, Zootechnichesky lane, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8(8652)71-57-73; e-mail:

Zarytovsky Alexander I., Ph.D. in Biology, docent, Senior Researcher of the department of feeding of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding; 15, Zootechnichesky lane, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8(8652)71-57-73; email:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Abilov Batyrkhan T., Ph.D. in Agriculture, docent, head of the department of feeding of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding; 15, Zootechnichesky lane, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8(8652)71-57-73; e-mail: