Effect of Imactin and Immunophan on the organism of calves at the age of 3 months at bronchopneumonia

ÓÄÊ: 619:616-006.44
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-4-4-6

Staroselov M.A.

Summary. Immunocorrectors of various pharmacological groups are used in order to correct immunity in the prevention and therapy of viral infections of the respiratory tract of young large horned cattle. The state of the immune system in animals of different ages should be taken into account using immunocorrectors: in newborns and young calves up to 2 months of age, the functional activity of the immune system is low, the organism is protected by the humoral link (colostral immunity) and the phagocytosis system. The maturity of the immune system increases at the older age, the cellular link is connected to implement protection, the animal is able to actively respond to viral and bacterial antigens. The effect of two immunocorrectors with a wide spectrum of action - Imaktin and Imunofan -on immunobiological parameters in three-month-old calves at bronchopneumonia was studied using along with the traditional therapeutic regimen. Drugs used in the therapeutic regimen at bronchopneumonia in calves normalize the number of leukocytes and segmented neutrophils, which indicates a decrease in the inflammatory response, increase phagocytosis, increase the amount of total protein and normalize its fractional composition, reduce acidosis, activate the production of secretory antibodies of the respiratory tract.

Keywords: large horned cattle, immunity, prevention, hematological reaction, immunology, immunobiological index, immunocorrector, Immunofan, Imaktin.


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Author affiliation: Staroselov Mikhail A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the department of therapy and obstetrics of the Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine; 1, 1 Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-953-1122803; e-mail: knivitherapy@gmail.com - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.
