Dynamics ofantibodies production after experimental challenge with asf virus


Pershin A.S., Shevchenko I.V., Igolkin À, Zhukov I.Yu., Vlasova N.N., Manuylova O.A.

Summary. A large number of serological studies for presence of antibodies to the ASF virus are conducted every year in the Russian Federation. Evaluation of the effectiveness of serological diagnosis for ASF should be based upon antibody detection dynamics in the country. In 2013-2016 ASF was officially notified in 31 region of the Russian Federation. 13 isolates originating in 11 different regions were selected for experimental challenge in pigs based upon its cultural properties and spatial-temporal characteristics. This paper summarizes the results of the detection of antibodies in 13 experimental challenges. Antibodies were detected in ELISA in 20.6% of animals. They were more frequently present in pigs, infected via contact route, which is more similar to the farm conditions, than intramuscular challenge. For most animals antibodies were detected by ELISA just 1 day before death: 9 to 14 days after infection. The overall mortality for isolates in this study is 95.76%. Only 20.58% of the animals with a positive serological status survived. It corresponds with the insufficiency of the humoral immune response for survival.

Keywords: African swine fever, diagnostics, ELISA, epizootiology, serology, experimental challenge, virology, bioassay, boars, domestic pigs, antibodies.


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12-16. Vide supra.

Author affiliation:

Shevchenko Ivan V., Ph.D. in Biology, scientific researcher of the ASF reference laboratory of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; e-mail: shevchenko@arriah.ru.

Igolkin Aleksey S., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, of the ASF reference laboratory of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; e-mail: igolkin_as@arriah.ru.

Zhukov Ivan Yu., Ph.D. in Biology, junior scientific researcher of the ASF reference laboratory of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; e-mail: zhukov@arriah.ru.

Vlasova Natalya N., D.Sc. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the ASF reference laboratory of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; e-mail: vlasova_nn@arriah.ru.

Manuylova Olga A., graduate student of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; e-mail: o.manuylova@list.ru.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Pershin Andrey S., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher of the ASF reference laboratory of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: 8(4922)261512; e-mail: pershin@arriah.ru.
