Nematodosis dissemination in pigs in the Repablic of Crimea and morphometric parameters of helminth eggs in mono- and mixed invasion

UDC 619:576.895.132:636.4(470)

Pasechnik A.A, Lukyanova G.A, Volozhaninova N.V.

Summary. The data on analysis of the prevalence of nematosis in pigs in the Republic of Crimea are presented in the article. Research material in technological slaughter animals have shown that animals are parasitic nematodes in the intestine of four varieties (Ascaris, Trichuris, Metastrongylus, Strongylata) in the form of monoinvazion and in various combinations. Struck pigs intestinal nematodes was 54.25 %. Invasion of Trihuris suis was biggest among intestinal helminth infections of pigs (22.87%), of Ascaris suum infestation was 20.26%, Strongylata - 9.15%, Metastrongylus - 1.96%. Established morphometric parameters helminth eggs at different degrees of infestation intensity in mono- and mixed forms of helminthiasis. During the studies noted that by increasing the intensity of infection of helminth eggs reduced dimensions: length 1.05 times and 1.04 times the width at Trichuris; 1.04 times - Ascaris length and 1.02 times - their width. For Strongylus eggs is characterized by a significant reduction in morphometric parameters: length of 1.83 times, the width - 1.71 times. When a mixed invasion (Ascaris and Metastrongylus) revealed an antagonistic relationship, which manifest themselves in the form of increased morphometric parameters eggs of Ascaris suum: length of 1.02 times, 1.07 times the width. Dimensions eggs of Trichuris when mixed with Ascaris suum parasitizing reduced (length of 1.06 times the width to 1.02), indicating that the expression of partial antagonism. The data on the spread of nematodes in pigs in the territory of the Crimean peninsula and morphometric parameters eggs of helminth are important for therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at the elimination of helminth infections, and can also be used for diagnostic examinations of pigs.

Keywords: pigs, pig livestock, nematodes, morphometry, eggs, helminth, epizootology, monoinvasion, mikstinvasion.


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Author affiliation:

Lukyanova Galina A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Therapy and Parasitology of the Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences of the Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; 34, 11, Stroiteley st., Molodyezhnoe, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 297501; phone: 8-978-7213987; e-mail:

Volozhaninova Nina V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the Department of Microbiology, Epizootology and Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise of the Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences of the Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; 9, 5A, Sportivnaya st., Àgrarnoye, Republic of Crimea, 297554; phone: 8-978-8534005; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Pasechnik Anastasiya A., postgraduate student of the Department of Therapy and Parasitology of the Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences of the Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; 94, 19, Geroev Stalingrada st., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295047; phone: 8-978-7628640; e-mail: