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Issues / 04/15 Print

Elimination of ecotoxicants out of trophic chains


Krivonogova A.S., Isaeva A.G., Suzdaltseva M.A.

Summary. Research has been conducted on evaluation of the level of accumulation of heavy metals in fodder plants and animals’ organs, under the conditions of industrial region. The total consumption of elements of copper, zinc, cadmium and lead by animals with daily food has appeared a few times higher in the enterprises located at the nearest distance to the sources of waste emissions. The research has shown that, during breeding of efficient animals, active accumulation of heavy metals in objects of trophic chain of agricultural units takes place, while there is possible solution for its elimination by means of enterosorbents. By random deposition, most significant accumulation of heavy metals, which is higher than normal, occurs in skeleton bones and parenchymal organs: in bone tissue - lead, in muscles - zinc, lead, in liver – zinc and copper, in kidneys - cadmium. Also, some special features of accumulation of ecotoxicants in organs and tissues of animals depending on the level of anthropogenic load in the particular area have been defined.The research is done on the influence of enterosorbents from sea hydrobionts on clinical-physiological parameters of efficient animals after their intoxication with lead. The complex system of protection of bioresources in the areas anthropogenic emissions by means of use of alginate and zosterine, which reduces the content of lead by 8.5 times, content of cadmium by 3,2 times in liver and bones, as well as use of chitosan, for the purpose of strengthening immune system. The use of the above medications results in growth of animals’ body weight by 9 - 12 %. Ecological monitoring of agricultural units makes it possible to take timely measures for preserving bioresourses’ potential of animals and control the quality of the products.

Key words: ecotoxicants, ecological monitoring, elimination, trophic chains, enterosorbents, chitosane, alginate, zostrerine, bioresources, quality of products.


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Author affiliation:

Krivonogova Anna S., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the department of infectious and non-infectious pathology of the Ural State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekhtast., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620075; phone: 8 (343)371-33-63; e-mail:

Suzdaltseva Maria A., junior scientific researcher of the Ural Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 112 а, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620142; phone: 8(343)2572044; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Isaeva Albina G., Ph.D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Ural Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 112 а, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620142; phone: 8(343)2572044; e-mail:


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