Structural and functional organization of rabbit oviducts

UDC 619.611.018:636.92


Malakshinova L.M.

Summary. Early postnatal differentiation of rabbit oviduct organ structures was studied by histological and histochemical methods. Oviducts were obtained from animals at the age of 1, 15 days, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 month. The cells lining the entire oviduct at the day of birth are columnar cells that rest on a basement lamina. The two types of cells, secretory and ciliated, can’t be distinguished at this time. In 15-day-old animals body is divided into the infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus. Sporadic ciliated cells in the epithelial lining are found ąt that time. In two-month rabbits ciliogenesis is frequently observed. Muscle cells are detected in the wall of the body at 15 days of age to form a circular bundles. By 4 months in the muscle membrane of isthmus appear longitudinal bundles of myocytes. The secretory cells in the epithelium of oviduct produce secretory materials. In the mucosal epithelium of oviduct at birth are identified glycogen, since 15 days – neutral glycoproteins and acid sulfated glycoproteins, since 1 month – sialoglycoproteins. The amount of products secreted by the oviduct increases considerably since 4 month, the time of initiation of puberty. In muscle and connective tissue cells revealed glycogen. Connective tissue contains acid sulfated proteoglycans and hyaluronates, their concentration is greater in the lamina propria.

Key words: rabbit, oviduct, glycogen, neutral glycoproteins, acid sulfated glycoproteins, sialoglycoproteins, acid sulfated proteoglycans, hyaloronates.


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Author affiliation: Malakshinova Lyubov M., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the Department of anatomy, histology and pathomorphology of the Filippov Buryat State Agricultural Academy; 8, Pushkiną st., Ulan-Ude, 670034; phone: +7 9516369642; e-mail: – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.