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Issues / 03/21 Print

Large intestine microbiocenosis at cytrobacteriosis in rabbits

DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-3-19-21

Dyptan O.N., Ozheredova N.A., Svetlakova E.V., Verevkina M.N., Dmitriev A.F., Zaerko V.I.

Summary. Gastrointestinal diseases of the bacterial nature caused by microorganisms from Enterobacteriaceae fam. are periodically identified and are one of the limiting factors for animal breeding efficiency. Monitoring of the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in the normal flora and the presence of pathogenic enterobacteriaceae introduced from the external environment is necessary to substantiate the etiology of the gastrointestinal tract disorder. The studies were carried out in 3 private farms of Stavropol region on rabbits of the Sovetskaya Chinchilla breed at the age of 1-3 months. Microbiological studies were carried out in the research laboratory of the Department of Epizootology and Microbiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Authors selected rabbits with gastrointestinal upset: out of 24, 17 animals were bacteriologically identified as СИгоЬасТег freundii. In each farm, 3 rabbits without signs of disease were selected for control. Rabbit cytrobacteriosis is an infectious disease of a bacterial nature, which is characterized by upset of the gastrointestinal tract, fever, refusal to feed, and sometimes death of animals. Various types of citrobacteria are the causative agents, the main one being СИгоЬасТег freundii. The study of the microbiocenosis of the large intestine in 3 farms of Stavropol region in 24 rabbits of the Soviet Chinchilla breed with signs of diarrhea revealed an increased content of Citrobacter spp. compared with control animals by 69.0-82.1%. At the same time, the presence of lactic acid microorganisms Lactobacillus spp. decreased by 25.0-50.6%, Bifidobacterium spp. - by 10.8-22.2%. An increase in the number of Enterococcus spp. by 12.3-16.4% and E. coli-lac.(+) may also contribute to the disorder of the digestive function of the animal organism. Monitoring the microbiota will allow timely correction of undesirable changes in the normal flora and prevent the development of dysbiosis.

Keywords: rabbits, citrobacteriosis, microbiocenosis, intestinal microflora, large intestine, bacteriological diagnostics, СИгоЬасТег freundii, normal flora, dysbiosis, pathogenic enterobacteria.


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Author affiliation:

Dyptan Olga N., postgraduate student of the department of Epizootology and Microbiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 300017; phone: 8-928-354-90-72; e-mail:

Svetlakova Elena V., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the department of Epizootology and Microbiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 300017; phone: 8-903-416-83-55; e-mail:

Verevkina Marina N., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the department of Epizootology and Microbiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 300017; phone: 8-919-741-40-67; e-mail:

Dmitriev Anatoly F., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, professor of the department of Epizootology and Microbiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 300017; phone: 8-962-018-74-75; e-mail:

Zaerko Viktor I., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of Epizootology and Microbiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 300017; phone: 8-919-111-89-62; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Ozheredova Nadezhda A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, docent, Head of the department of 21 Epizootology and Microbiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 300017; phone: 8-918-768-40-66; e-mail:


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