Efficacy of therapentic baths at disease of hooves

UDC 614.9

Tikhonyuk M.V.

Summary. Since 1970 the percentage of dairy cows which were slaughtered caused by hoof diseases has been risen rapidly. Basically lameness caused by claw problems can be separated into the non-infectious claw diseases and into the secondary infectious claw diseases. However the secondary infectious claw diseases are bale horn rot, interdigital dermatitis and digital dermatitis. Only with consequent claw hygiene a preventive success can be achieved. Therefore not only the claw hygiene is important for a good claw health. Accordingly a holistic approach is always needed. Bale horn rot as well as digital dermatitis are mainly caused by humidity, anaerobic conditions caused by slurry adhesion and strong germ pressure. According to that there should be always scraper installed in the stable independent from the fl oor covering. There has to be good cleanliness level of the loafi ng area. The disinfection process can be supported by automatic systems as well. These systems are either integrated in the cleaning systems or it is an external single unit system. The adhesive slurry on the claws brings in combination with the dry claw bath product hard layers and a drying out effect. So a variant like this shouldn’t be advised generally. Only registered vet drugs can be taken. By now there is no registered vet drug for claw baths. HoofSmart® Bath passed exam by DLG as fi rst product for hoof care, among all others.

Key words: large horned cattle, hoof disease, foot rot, digital dermatitis, hoof hygiene, hoof disinfection, disease prevention, scrapers, biological safety, antiseptic, prophylactic bath, HoofSmart®Bath.


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Author affiliation: Tikhonyuk Maksim V., Sales Manager of the CJSC "ECOlab"; 1, Budennogo st., Elektrogorsk, Moscow region, 142530; 8(495)9807060 extra 7203; e-mail: maksim.tikhonuk@ecolab.com – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.
