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Issues / 02/23 Print

Soil as a factor of invasion of humans and animals by toxocarosis

УДК 619:616.995.77:636.22
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-2-45-49

Domatskiy V. N., Sivkova E. I.

Summary. Data on the results of soil contamination studies with Toxocara canis eggs conducted in different countries of the world are presented in the article. Sick animals are a source of dispersal of toxocarid eggs into the environment. Contamination of the soil with toxocar eggs can reach 100%. In different countries, the intensity of pollution ranges from 1 to 10 eggs per 100 g of soil. Up to 15 thousand toxocar eggs can be contained in 1 g of dog excrement, which leads to an increased risk of human infection. The probability of human contact with the soil seeded with Toxocara canis eggs is approximately 15% (for adults). However, it increases sharply in children 1.5-5 years old and in adults, traditionally often in contact with soil seeded with toxocarid eggs. The results of sanitary and parasitological studies play an essential role in assessing the activity of the epidemiological process in parasitic diseases, as they allow us to determine the state of one of the key elements of the parasitic subsystem of these diseases - the mechanism of transmission of the invasive origin. They create the necessary conditions for effective behavior of prevention of parasitic diseases. To prevent infection with human toxocarosis, it is necessary to activate a complex of sanitary-epidemiological and anti-epizootic measures aimed at controlling the number of neglected dogs and cats, regular examination and deworming of pets, determining places for dog walking, increasing sanitary and educational work among the population, especially among parents and animal owners.

Keywords: toxocarosis, toxocarid eggs, carnivores, dog, human, epidemiology, soil, contamination, intensity, helminthological studies, deworming.


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33-41. Vide supra.

Author affiliation:

Domatsky Vladimir N., D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, chief scientific researcher of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology; 2, Institutskaya st., Tyumen, 625041; phone: 8-3452-258558; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Sivkova Elena I., Ph.D. in Biology, scientific researcher of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology; 2, Institutskaya st., Tyumen, 625041; phone: 8-3452-258558; e-mail:


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