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Issues / 02/23 Print

Interrelation of diseases of the breeding stock and young cattle of the Kemerovo region

УДК 636.2:619(571.17)
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-2-18-22

Metleva A. S., PleshkovV. A., Lysenko S. G., Vatsueva N. N.

Summary. The creation of measures for the prevention of diseases of the digestive system and respiratory diseases of young animals should be based on the understanding of a single biological complex ‘mother-fetusnewborn’. There is considered the problem of the influence of diseases of the reproductive organs, mastitis and metabolic diseases in the breeding stock of the Kemerovo region on diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs in young cattle. The main representatives of the microbiota of the cervical canal and upper respiratory tract are: E. coli, Staphylococcus spp., E. faecalis, E. faecium. The specific gravity of microorganisms in CC samples is: Bacillus spp. - in 5% of samples; E. coli - 5%; Staphylococcus spp. -4%; E. faecalis - 7%; E. faecium - 4%. In samples from the throat of calves, the presence of the following conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (CPM) was found: E. cloacae - 60%, E. aerogenes - 10%; E. coli - 10%, E. faecalis - 40%, E. faecium - 10%, S. saprophyticus - 20%, Mucor -40%. In the samples from the nasal mucosa, the presence of the following CPM was detected: E. cloacae - 50%, E. coli - 30%, S. saprophyticus -50%, E. faecalis - 50%, E. faecium - 10%, Mucor - 60%, Candida - 10%. It is statistically confirmed that there is a relationship between the incidence of young animals and diseases of the breeding stock in livestock farms. In particular, it was determined that there is a relationship between diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs of young cattle with diseases of the reproductive organs (r=0.700) and diseases of the mammary gland (r=0.500) in the breeding stock of the Kemerovo region. There is a relationship between an increase in the number of livestock with diseases of the mammary gland, followed by an increase in the number of a patient with reproductive organs, over a period of one year.

Keywords: statistics, large horned cattle, diseases of the reproductive organs, diseases of the digestive system, metabolic diseases, respiratory diseases, mastitis, epizootic data, microbiome, opportunistic microorganisms, influence, breeding stock, young animals.


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Author affiliation:

Pleshkov Vladimir A., Ph.D. in Agriculture, docent, head of the department of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy; 9a, Tsentralnaya st., Kemerovo; phone: 8-983-2231274; e-mail:

Lysenko Sergey G., postgraduate student of the department of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy; 9a, Tsentralnaya st., Kemerovo; phone: 8-983-2231274; e-mail:

Vatsueva Nadezhda N., postgraduate student of the department of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy; 9a, Tsentralnaya st., Kemerovo; phone: 8-903-0467413; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Metleva Anastasia S., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy; 9a, Tsentralnaya st., Kemerovo; phone: 8-951-5924957; e-mail:


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