Historical and modern features of veterinary service in subfederal entities of the North Caucasian and the Southern federal districts

DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-2-3-5

Nikitin I.N.

Summary. History of veterinary medicine in Russia in all its aspects (municipal, military, professional veterinary, etc.) has been circumstantially studied and is presented in textbooks, monographs and thesis. However, the history of municipal veterinary medicine has been studied and the materials of all-Russian congresses of veterinarians, held in the early twentieth century and the landmarks of veterinary medicine history in Russia and its sub-federal entities in the period between ancient time and nowadays has been synthesized. Items on epizootic situation of the country and its sub-federal entities on extra hazardous diseases, on prevention and elimination measures; legal regulation of veterinary management ; staff requirements for official veterinary, training of veterinarians and veterinary aid men, forms of organization of the veterinary service; state, municipal, military, private veterinary services are available in literary origins. Unfortunately, the historical and modern features of the veterinary service in certain federal districts of Russia, including the North Caucasus and southern districts, are not generalized. The analysis and determination of such features is important for scientifically-reasonable planning of anti-epizootic measures, composing national targets for veterinary institutions, determining the amount of budget funding for performing national targets, establishing a scientifically-reasonable staff number of veterinary services, improving veterinary servicing of livestock and other branches. Article points out the historical and modern features of the veterinary service of the North Caucasus and Southern federal districts, which have peculiar environment and economic conditions for the development of agriculture, including animal husbandry, and therefore veterinary support for agricultural industries.

Keywords: veterinary service, history of veterinary medicine, veterinarian, veterinarian paramedic, zemsky veterinary medicine, military veterinary medicine, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, North Caucasian federal district, Southern federal district, Republic of Crimea.


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Author affiliation: Nikitin Ivan N., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, head of the Department of Veterinary Organization of the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman; 35, Sibirskiy trakt st., Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420029; phone 8-917-283-82-58; e-mail: nikitinivan1934@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.
