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Issues / 01/24 Print

Effect of different preparations on growth rate of sterlet fry

УДК 597.442:639.043.2
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-1-45-47

Kuzmicheva S. V., Mikryakov D. V., Novikov D. A., Salov S. R.

Summary. An experimental study of the effect of different feed additives on the rate of mass accumulation, growth rate and survival of sterlet fry was carried out. Five groups of fish were seeded in flow-through plastic pools of 150 fish each.

The control group (I) was fed without additives, while the experimental group was fed with different preparations: II - AQUATAN preparation based on ellagotannins produced by Tanin company in Sevnica (Slovenia) at the rate of 2 g/kg of feed, III - biologically active additive Ecoflor (Vector-BiAlgam JSC) at the rate of 5 g/kg of experimental feed, IV - probiotic on the basis of Bacillus subtilis SUB-PRO (LLC Vector-Euro) at the rate of 100 g/t feed, V - antibacterial preparation on the basis of ciprofloxacin Antibak-100 (AVZ LLC), at the rate of 0.5 g/kg live weight of the fish. The drugs were added to the feed according to the instructions. The effect of preparations on fish was evaluated by fishery indicators: average daily growth rate, absolute growth, average daily gain, mass accumulation ratio, survival rate and feed costs. During the period of the experiment it was found that the values of fishery indicators in different groups of sterlet changed with different intensity depending on the time after the beginning of the experiment. The highest growth rate and mass accumulation rates were recorded in fish fed with SUB-PRO and Antibak-100, and the lowest with Aquatan. The data of the sterlet group to which Ecoflor was added to the feed differed insignificantly from the control group. At the end of the experiment, there were no significant differences in survival rate and feed costs between the studied groups of fish. The results obtained indicate that it is advisable to further investigate the effect of different preparations on the growth rate of aquaculture objects.

Keywords: fry, Aquatan feed additive, Ecoflor biologically active additive, SUB-PRO probiotic, Antibak-100 antibacterial preparation, average daily growth rate, absolute growth, average daily gain, mass accumulation ratio, survival rate, feed costs.


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12-15. Vide supra.

Author affiliation:

Kuzmicheva Svetlana V., scientific researcher of the laboratory of immunology of the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences; 109, Borok sttl., Yaroslavl region, 152742; phone: 8-961-020-08-51; e-mail:

Novikov Dmitry A., Head of the station for field, experimental and expedition work of the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences; 109, Borok sttl., Yaroslavl region, 152742; phone: 8-910-664-26-46; e-mail:

Salov Sergey R., student of the Yaroslavl State Agrarian University; 58, Tutaevskoe hgw., Yaroslavl, 150999; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Mikryakov Daniil V., Ph. D. in Biology, Head of the laboratory of immunology of the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences; 109, Borok sttl., Yaroslavl region, 152742; phone: 8-960-5335224; e-mail:


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