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Issues / 01/24 Print

Classic swine fever: modern prospectives of vaccine prevention

УДК 619:616.988.27:634.4
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-1-9-14

Akhunova A. R., Galeeva A. G., Efimova M. A., Mingaleev D. N.

Summary. Classic swine fever (CSF) is a particularly dangerous transboundary viral disease of the Suidae family of all breeds and ages, threatening national food security. The spread of the virus occurs along the migration routes of wild boars, passing in close proximity to domestic pigs. It is known that one of the most effective ways to control and eliminate classical swine fever in endemic countries is the use of DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) candidate vaccines, which allow differentiating between infected and vaccinated animals. In this review, we analyzed data on currently available and developing vaccines against classical swine fever. Traditional live attenuated vaccines, used in the Russian Federation for total vaccination of livestock since the 1990s, are effective and safe, but their use is unacceptable under the rules for importing products of animal origin and carries a potential risk of recombination of the vaccine virus with field viruses. A very limited number of DIVA vaccines have been developed commercially (CSFV E2 envelope glycoprotein vaccines, chimeric pestiviruses, viral vector vaccines, DNA vaccines, trans-complementary deletion mutant vaccines). The new generation vaccine should provide high protective efficacy and overcome the problem of antigenic variations, while complying with the DIVA strategy, which, in our opinion, is achievable through a combination of technologies for the recombinant synthesis of specific viral glycoproteins and peptides - activators of T-cell immunity.

Keywords: pig farming, domestic pigs, wild boars, classical swine fever, prevention, vaccines, DIVA strategy, labeled vaccines, recombinant vaccines.


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18-60. Vide supra.

Author affiliation:

Galeeva Antonina G., Ph. D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Viral Anthropozoonoses of the Federal Center for toxicological, radiation, and biological safety; Nauchnyy gorodok-2, Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-987-2338616; e-mail:

Efimova Marina A., D. Sc. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the Laboratory of Viral Anthropozoonoses of the Federal Center for toxicological, radiation, and biological safety / Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after N.E.Bauman; Nauchnyy gorodok-2, Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-905-3770771; e-mail:

Mingaleev Danil N., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Acting Director of the Federal Center for toxicological, radiation, and biological safety, docent of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after N.E.Bauman; Nauchnyy gorodok-2, Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-843-2395320; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Akhunova Alsu R., graduate student, junior scientific researcher of the Laboratory of Viral Anthropozoonoses of the Federal Center for toxicological, radiation, and biological safety; Nauchnyy gorodok-2, Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-927-4681865; e-mail:


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