Prospects for development of forest beekeeping as an element of organic

DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-1-26-28

Komlatskiy V.I., Iskhakov Yu.G.

Summary. The aim of the research was to analyze the prospects for the use of beekeeping in the production of organic bee products. For the formation of organic beekeeping, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions, the main of which is the presence of an organic food base, i.e. placement of local bees, adapted to the given territory, where industrial crop production with the use of chemical plant protection products is not carried out within a radius of 3-5 km. Forest beekeeping meets these criteria. Due to its laboriousness, it is inferior in development to the traditional hive beekeeping and has survived thanks to the traditions of the local population of the mountain-forest Bashkirs. In Bashkortostan, in order to preserve the aboriginal population of the honey bee - «Burzyan forest beekeeping» in the conditions of beekeeping, the Shulgan-tash reserve was created in 1958, which became the first zone in the world to protect native wild bees. To protect the breeding nucleus of purebred bees, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan issued an Order «On the establishment of the Altyn Solok (Zolotaya Bort») State Nature Reserve with an area of about 90,000 hectares, where there are approximately 1,500 bees, while only about 500 bees are inhabited by bees. The location of the reserve at the junction of landscape areas and the low economic development of the territory contributed to the preservation of a rich animal world here, including the Burzyan population of the honey bee. For the settling of the existing free boards with bees and further expansion, it is necessary to work on purposeful breeding of the Burzyan bee. The production of organic onboard honey can become an incentive for the development of beekeeping, since this honey is in well-deserved demand among the population due to its high taste and can take its rightful place in the line of organic products.

Keywords: beekeeping, organic products, wild bee, bee honey, environmentally friendly products, Burzyanskaya wild bee, Altyn Solok nature reserve, Republic of Bashkortostan, purity of breed, reproduction of queen bees.


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Author affiliation:

Iskhakov Yu.G., Ph.D. in Agriculture, Deputy Director of the Directorate for Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan; 86, Lenina st., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan; phone: 8-927-23537355; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Komlatskiy Vasiliy I., Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, D.Sc. in Agriculture, Professor, Head of the Department of Private livestock and pig breeding of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-988-2422789; e-mail: