The editorial board considers only those materials that fully comply with the requirements indicated below. The incomplete package of materials is not considered.
The submitted articles should contain the results of scientific research; they should be ready to use in the practical work of agricultural specialists, or submit cognitive interest for them.
The structure of the submitted material as a whole should look like this:
All authors provide extended summary (200-250 words) in Russian and in English.
The lines of graphs and drawings in the file should be grouped. The tables are presented in the format of Word. Formulas are presented in the standard formula editor Word, structural chemical formulas in ISIS / Draw or scanned. Diagrams should be made in Excel. Drawings should be sent in electronic form, in standard graphic formats (Jpeg, Tiff, Gif).
Summaries should be made out in accordance with GOST 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76), references – in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. References should be provided in Russian and English languages. It should include not less than 10 sources – publications, published no more than 5 years ago.
The external review is obligatory on each article. Before publishing the editorship send the materials to additional review in the leading scientific research institute appropriate profile across Russia.
Attention! Reviewer can be only a doctor of sciences or a member of the Academy of Sciences!
Authors are able to present:
Publication is free for graduate students and members of the editorial staff.